20 Questions with Jasmine France

Live Baltimore Staff

Get to know our newest Live Baltimore team members with a good, old-fashioned round of 20 Questions! This installment features Communications Manager Jasmine France.  

How long have you lived in Baltimore City? 

Since July 14, 2021. My anniversary is coming up! 

Which neighborhood do you currently live in? 

Reservoir Hill.

Are you a homeowner or a renter? 

I am currently renting and looking to change that very soon!  

If you had to live in a different Baltimore neighborhood, which would you choose and why? (Pretend money is no object.) 

Original Northwood, for sure. I’m a sucker for large, single-family homes, lush yards, and beautiful tree-lined and winding streets.

What’s the best thing to do in Baltimore City on a Saturday night…go! 

I’m sure I still don’t know the best answer to this. However, finding a nice restaurant or bar in Fells Point and walking the Harbor is not a bad place to start. 

What is still on your Baltimore “to-do” list? 

What isn’t? My top three at the moment are attending a Raven’s game, visiting the Poe House and Museum, and finding the best seafood spot in the city. 

Who is your favorite Baltimore mascot: Mr. Boh, the oriole bird, Poe (the raven), or someone else? 

Poe, of course.  

What one piece of advice would you give to someone moving to Baltimore from out of town? 

Take note of your unique needs and do your research. You’ll find what you want here as long as you know it! 

What do you love the most about the city? 

The architecture, the history, and the civic pride. 

What is your preferred mode of transportation? 

I love a good walk. However, if my destination is too far, I won’t deprive myself of a pleasant drive. 

What is your favorite feature of the city? 

The food, hands down. I’m a huge foodie, but I’ve never eaten so good before living here.  

Besides Live Baltimore, what other local nonprofits do you support? 

So far, just Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS). I love the fur babes! However, I’m sure I will find more nonprofits that resonate with me as I get more involved in the city. 

What’s your favorite outdoor city activity? 

I enjoy long walks with my fur child, Pepper, while exploring different neighborhoods and parks. 

What is your superpower?

My intuition is spot-on. I’m borderline psychic.  

Which Baltimore celebrity (past or present) would you most like to have dinner with? 

Tupac Shakur. 

What is your favorite locally-made product? 

Old Bay… did I mention I’m a foodie? 

What is one thing you want the world to know about Baltimore? 

Baltimore is so much more than ‘The Wire.’ This city is true to its namesake in that it’s full of charm. Between that, the food, and the diversity, there is something here for everyone.  

What is one thing you’d still like to learn about Baltimore? 

There are several things. At the moment, I’m interested in learning more about the history of Baltimore City and its founding. 

What three words best describe your work personality? 

Quirky, meticulous, and creative.  

What excites you most about joining the live Baltimore team? 

The opportunity to network and be more involved in this beautiful city.

We’ve had fun introducing you to our new colleague! Look for more installments of this series as our team continues to grow. You can read more about Reservoir Hill on our Neighborhoods page.