20 Questions With Chadras Coples

Live Baltimore Staff

It’s time to introduce a new Live Baltimore team member. Get to know our newest staff member today with a good, old-fashioned round of 20 Questions! This installment features Program Support Specialist Chadras Coples.

How long have you lived in Baltimore City?

For the most part, all of my life

Which neighborhood do you currently live in?

Reservoir Hill

Are you a homeowner or a renter?


If you had to live in a different Baltimore neighborhood which would you choose (pretend money is no object)?

Highlandtown. It’s a very artsy neighborhood and they seem to have a lot of community events.

Best things to do in Baltimore City on a Saturday night…GO!

Find an event and mingle!

What is still on your Baltimore to-do list?

Visiting the Maryland Science Center in the Inner Harbor 

Who is your favorite Baltimore mascot? Mr. Boh, The Oriole Bird, Poe the Raven or someone else?

Definitely Poe. I’m a big Baltimore Ravens fan!

What one piece of advice would you give someone moving to Baltimore from out of town?

Seek and you will find. There’s plenty to do here.

What do you love most about the city?

The diversity.

What is your preferred mode of transportation?

Metro (Subway)

What is your favorite feature of the city?

The murals.

Besides Live Baltimore, what other local nonprofits do you support?

The Marian House and Humanim

What’s you favorite outdoor city activity?

Sitting on a park bench. I like to write, sip tea and enjoy nature.

What is your superpower?


Which Baltimore celebrity (past or present) would you most like to have dinner with?

Jada Pinkett-Smith

What is your favorite locally made product?

Hamilton Bakery’s Red Velvet Cake!

What is one thing you want the world to know about Baltimore?

We’re just getting started!

What is one thing you’d still like to learn about Baltimore?

The neighborhood nooks and crannies

What three words best describe your work personality?

Friendly, Helpful, and Willing

What excites you most about joining the Live Baltimore team?

The opportunity to learn and help grow my city. We have so much to offer!

We’ve had fun introducing you to our new colleague! Look for more installments of this series in the future as our team continues to grow. You can read more about Reservoir Hill on our Neighborhoods page.


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