Pre-K Enrollment Basics for 2025-2026
Families in Baltimore City have the option to send their four-year-olds to full-day, public pre-kindergarten at schools across the city. While we’re still six months away from the new school year, now is the time to begin the application process.
Live Baltimore partnered with Baltimore City Schools’ Early Learning Programs to offer a free webinar, “Demystifying the Pre-K Enrollment Process” on February 27, 2025, with information about the 2025-2026 school year. This workshop is part of our resources for Baltimore City families with children. Some key takeaways are below.
- Q: Where can I find the pre-k application?
- A: If your child will be 4 by September 1, you can create an account through the Student Enrollment Management System (SEMS) starting March 3, 2025.
- Q: What documentation is needed for the application?
- A: The application includes:
- Proof of student identity and birthdate
- Proof of guardianship (if applicable)
- Proof of address
- Proof of income
- A list of up to three schools in ranked order
- Once your family has accepted a pre-k spot, you’ll need to bring proof of your child’s last physical and immunization records to the school before the new year begins.
- Q: What key dates should we keep in mind?
- A: Applications are due on April 16. Families might hear from City Schools if there are questions about documentation, and then should receive their placement offer around May 16. They should accept or decline that placement by May 23 and complete the enrollment process with their school of choice.
- Q: Is a pre-k seat in our neighborhood zoned school a guarantee?
- A: Unlike kindergarten and other grades, families are not necessarily guaranteed a space at their zoned school for pre-k. Space is limited to 20 seats per pre-k class within each building. See a list of pre-k classrooms per school here.
- Q: What are the criteria for pre-k enrollment?
- A: Children must be four by September 1, 2025. With equity at the forefront, pre-k spots have always been offered first to families who qualify as Priority 1 according to state guidelines. Priority 1 includes those who are income-eligible (up to 300% of the federal poverty level), are experiencing homelessness, receive special education services, or are eligible for English language services. The algorithm used by the automated enrollment system considers Priority, location, and siblings as it matches families to optimal school settings.
- Q: How has the process changed since my older child was in pre-k a few years ago?
- A: For the second year, City Schools has automated the pre-k enrollment process to increase access for all families. Enrollment is now handled entirely through an online platform rather than through individual school offices. However, families who do not have technology access can go to their local school if they need help completing the application.
- Q: How do charter schools handle the pre-k enrollment process?
- A: Charter schools that offer pre-k handle their own admissions processes outside the SEMS platform. Charter schools will follow the same schedule as traditional schools, but the application is completely separate.
- Q: How should I enroll my child for kindergarten?
- A: If your child will be 5 by September 1, they should enroll in kindergarten. If your child will continue at the same school where they are completing pre-k, no action is needed on the family’s part. To enroll in a different school, either complete the kindergarten application in SEMS by April 16 or contact the Office of Enrollment during the summer transfer window (starting in July). For a student new to City Schools, you’ll complete the kindergarten application on SEMS with the same April 16 deadline but do not need to provide income information.
- Q: What private pre-k options are there?
- A: The Fund for Educational Excellence has put together a list of public seats (at no cost to families) at private pre-k centers for Priority 1 families. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future emphasizes equitable early education opportunities that prepare all children for school and success through a mixed-delivery system comprised of public and private pre-k partnerships that will expand family options. See the list of Community Based Private Pre-K providers for Baltimore City here.
- Q: Where can I learn more about pre-k in City Schools?
- A: For more about the curriculum, follow Early Learning on social media (@greatfuturesstartearly). For details on enrolling, check out the Pre-K and Kindergarten registration page. The Office of Enrollment, Choice, and Transfers located at 200 E. North Ave., room 106 is open Monday through Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. They can be reached by phone at 410.396.8600 or by email at For technical issues related to the SEMS platform, contact
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