Maryland Historic Revitalization Tax Credit Program

At a Glance

State income tax credit

Who's Eligible?

Baltimore City homeowners who apply and make home renovations

To Get Started

Confirm eligibility and have your application approved before beginning renovations

The Maryland Historic Revitalization Tax Credit allows homeowners to earn a state income tax credit for renovating historic homes. The tax credit offers homeowners up to 20% of eligible rehabilitation costs. The tax credit may be used for projects that return a structure to a state of utility through repair or alteration, making possible an efficient use while preserving portions and features of the structure, site and environment that are historically, architecturally or culturally significant.


This program reduces your income taxes.


  • No household income restriction
  • You must live in this home as your primary residence
  • The credit is capped at $50,000 in a 24-month period and projects must have a minimum of $5,000 of eligible expenses to qualify.
  • The state homeowner tax credit may be used with local historic tax credits, although MHT review is independent of local review and may not be waived or substituted for local approval.
  • The building must be a single-family, owner-occupied residence, which is defined as:
    • A structure or a portion of a structure occupied by the owner and the owner’s immediate family as their primary or secondary residence.
    • A residential unit in a cooperative owned by or leased to a cooperative housing corporation and leased for exclusive occupancy to, and occupied by, a member of the corporation and the member’s immediate family under a proprietary lease.
  • The building must be a certified historic structure, defined as having at least one of the following designations:
    • Individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places
    • A contributing resource within a National Register Historic District
    • A locally designated structure or contributing resource ​within a local historic district that MHT determines to be eligible for the National Register
  • All aspects of the project and application must:
    • Be reviewed and approved by MHT prior to commencing work. Any work started and/or completed prior to approval is not eligible for the credit and may jeopardize the credit for the entire project.
    • Meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation


Maryland Historical Trust
Megan Klem
(410) 697-9560

We're here to help.

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