Hamilton Elementary / Middle School

Hamilton Elementary/Middle School is a premier school in the NE with Ingenuity and one-of-a-kind outdoor programming.

At a Glance
6101 Old Harford Road
Baltimore, MD 21214
(410) 396-6375
Pre-K to 8
Bell Times
7:30 AM / 2:10 PM
Student / Teacher Ratio
Total Enrollment
Attendance Rate
Neighborhoods in this School District

About Hamilton Elementary/Middle School

Hamilton Elementary/Middle School has a proud history of educational excellence. Its students consistently exceed the federal and state expectations for yearly progress with more than 75 percent earning proficient or advanced on both the reading and math sections of the Maryland State Assessment. Hamilton's student population reflects the economic, linguistic and racial diversity of Northeast Baltimore City and benefits from strong neighborhood support. Hamilton encourages students to explore their creativity in music, visual and ceramic art, and performance. Students can participate in one of the top ranked bands in the city, in the ensemble orchestral groups or in citywide art shows. Hamilton Middle is one of only four Ingenuity Project schools in Baltimore City.

Student Demographics

  • 78% African-American
  • 8% White
  • 9% Hispanic
  • 5% Other


  • Ingenuity
  • Gifted and Advanced Learning Site
  • Honors Courses
  • ESOL Site

Meet the Principal

Natasha Pouncey, proud principal of Hamilton EMS, was named a Heart of the Schools winner from the Fund For Educational Excellence in 2024. Born and raised in Baltimore, Mrs. Pouncey credits her elementary school with providing her a solid educational foundation. As a child she always knew that she would work in education. She was even the vice president of her middle school’s Future Educators of America club. After graduating high school she attended Coppin State University and received her bachelor degree in history. She then attended the College of Notre Dame of Maryland and received her masters degree in special education.

She has proudly served the students of Baltimore City for her entire career. She started as a special education teacher at Calverton Elementary Middle school before becoming an IEP Chairperson. She then joined the New Leaders Aspiring Principals program where she served as the resident principal of Commodore John Rodgers Elementary Middle School and Hampstead Hill Academy.

After completing the principal residency, Mrs. Pouncey served as assistant principal of Roland Park Elementary Middle School. Mrs. Pouncey believes every school experience has helped to shape her into the leader that she is today. From her time as a student at Calvin Rodwell Elementary to her time as a school administrator. She knows leadership matters. She is honored to serve as principal of the amazing Hamilton Elementary Middle School.

Get in Touch

Connect with a School Ambassador

Auni Gelles
Hamilton Elementary/Middle School Ambassador


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