20 Questions with Jordan Klumpp

Live Baltimore Staff

Get to know our newest Live Baltimore team members with a good, old-fashioned round of 20 Questions! This installment features Business Relationship Manager Jordan Klumpp.  

How long have you lived in Baltimore city?

Two and a half years.

Which neighborhood do you currently live in?

North Harford Road.

Are you a homeowner or a renter?


If you had to live in a different Baltimore neighborhood, which would you choose and why? (Pretend money is no object.)

If I’m staying on the east side, I’d probably go with Lauraville. I love the tree canopies, the close-knit community vibe, and the local businesses. But I’m also a sucker for the creative energy and excellent food in Hampden!

What’s the best thing to do in Baltimore city on a Saturday night…go!

Catch a game at Camden Yards! If the O’s aren’t in town, grab a drink at your favorite dive bar or speakeasy.

What is still on your Baltimore “to-do” list?

Quite a few restaurants are still on my list—with more being added every day! Also, I want to go on a Baltimore ghost hunt or haunted walking tour.

Who is your favorite Baltimore mascot: Mr. Boh, the oriole bird, Poe (the raven), or someone else?

The Oriole Bird. Although, I was very sorry to hear about Poe’s injury this year.

What one piece of advice would you give to someone moving to Baltimore from out of town?

Get in touch with Live Baltimore. We have so many great resources for City homebuyers and renters. Seriously, you won’t regret it. But after you’ve found a place to live, I’d say be curious. Baltimore is unlike any other place I’ve seen. The City has a unique soul to it and a little bit of something for everyone. Allow yourself to explore—take in what it has to offer. You won’t regret that, either.

What do you love the most about the city?

The food, the people, and all the kooky things that would be considered crazy anywhere else but are normal here.

What is your preferred mode of transportation?

I love how easy it is to get around Baltimore by car. No matter where you are or where you want to go, a short drive will get you there.

What is your favorite feature of the city?

There are so many “only in Baltimore” things that it’s hard to pick just one. . . I’ll say the salt boxes. Only in Baltimore could we turn a municipal initiative into an art piece!

Besides Live Baltimore, what other local nonprofits do you support?

BARCS, CASA, American Red Cross, Community Law Center.

What’s your favorite outdoor city activity?

Probably camping.

What is your superpower?

I’m good at board games. Is that a superpower?

Which Baltimore celebrity (past or present) would you most like to have dinner with?

It’s a tie between Billie Holiday and Edgar Allan Poe.

What is your favorite locally-made product?

I’m going to go with Old Line Spirits. I was first introduced to Old Line at Live Baltimore’s Birthday Bash in July. Ever since I’ve really enjoyed exploring their product line.

What is one thing you want the world to know about Baltimore?

Baltimore is a beautiful, magical place. But don’t just take my word for it. Come see for yourself.

What is one thing you’d still like to learn about Baltimore?

I haven’t spent much time on the west side yet. I am excited to learn more about that side of the City.

What three words best describe your work personality?

Attentive, approachable, and enthusiastic.

What excites you most about joining the Live Baltimore team?

The mission and the team itself. I believe wholeheartedly in what Live Baltimore stands for—it is an honor that my work directly supports that purpose. Also, the people at Live Baltimore are something special. Annie likes to call our team the ‘Dream Team,’ and she’s 100% right. I’m thrilled to be a part of this extraordinary group!

We’ve had fun introducing you to our new colleague! Look for more installments of this series in the future as our team continues to grow. You can read more about North Harford Road on our Neighborhoods page.

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