Maryland Mortgage Program 1st Time Advantage 6000

At a Glance

Loan for home purchase PLUS $6,000 down payment and closing cost assistance deferred loan

Who's Eligible?

Baltimore City homebuyers who meet income and other program requirements

To Get Started

Complete homeownership counseling and contact a Maryland Mortgage Program-approved lender

The Maryland Mortgage Program (MMP) helps homebuyers in Maryland achieve their dream of homeownership through a range of programs that make purchasing and owning a home more affordable. MMP home loans are 30-year fixed-rate loans available as either Government or Conventional insured loans. 1st Time Advantage loans are designed to offer eligible homebuyers the lowest 30-year fixed interest rate available for Maryland Mortgage Program loans. The 1st Time Advantage 6000 loan comes with a $6,000 loan for down payment and closing costs, structured as a 0% deferred interest second lien.


This program allows you to borrow money to buy your home and reduces the amount of money you’ll need up-front to buy your home.


  • You must earn a homeownership counseling certificate before closing on your home.
  • You may not own other properties at the time of closing.
  • You must live in this home as your primary residence.
  • You must use a Maryland Mortgage Program-approved lender.
  • For purchases in Baltimore City, this program is not limited to first-time homebuyers.
  • Your mortgage amount cannot exceed Maryland Mortgage Program limits.
  • Household income cannot exceed Maryland Mortgage Program limits
  • The Maryland HomeCredit Program cannot be used with 1st Time Advantage loans.
  • Maryland Mortgage Program Partner Match can be used with the 1st Time Advantage 6000 loan.


Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, Maryland Mortgage Program

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