Live Baltimore’s Winter Trolley Tour Kicks Off the 2025 Homebuying Season
Live Baltimore’s Trolley Tour is a premiere in-person homebuying event hosted three times yearly that is a one-stop-shop for new buyers, repeat buyers, the homebuying curious, and everyone in between. Attendees attend expert-led homebuying workshops, take an informational bus tour of Baltimore City neighborhoods, and connect with real-estate experts dedicated to helping homebuyers reach their goals. The most recent Trolley Tour occurred on Saturday, February 1, at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute and featured neighborhoods in Central and North Baltimore City. Keep reading to learn how the Winter Trolley Tour has impacted Baltimore City’s 2025 housing market so far.
We Shared Baltimore City with New Residents
The Winter 2025 Trolley Tour was overflowing with new potential homebuyers looking to plant roots in Baltimore. We saw 577 attendees, both locals and out-of-towners, joined us to begin or further their homebuying journeys, welcoming natives from D.C., Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Georgia, Alabama, Michigan, and even as far west as Washington State!
In Baltimore, the people are so welcoming, open, and kind. It is so easy to get to know people here.
– Amelia B.
We Exposed Existing Residents to Parts of Baltimore City New to Them
The narrated bus tour showcases Baltimore City neighborhoods and amenities to attendees who want to know more about what it is like to live there. Many who take the bus tour come back with more insight, education, and appreciation for Baltimore’s vast and unique neighborhoods, even those born and raised here.
We Created Attainable Opportunities for First-Time Homebuyers
In addition to curated neighborhood tours, expert-led workshops, and a City Living Fair featuring a variety of real-estate professionals, those who attend Trolley Tour are eligible to apply for the Buying Into Baltimore homebuying incentive. This down payment and closing cost assistance incentive is a $5,000 forgivable loan awarded by lottery to twenty lucky homebuyers. Of the 23 applicants, 91% were first-time homebuyers and 17% were new Baltimore City residents.
Having lived in the county all my life, there are so many more benefits to be in the city. It is more affordable and the revitalization is amazing.
– Ninette M.
We Saw an Increased Financial Investment into Baltimore City
Buying Into Baltimore, along with the several other Baltimore City homebuying incentives, makes the journey to homeownership easier for buyers, and allows for more investment into our city, which benefits us all. Thanks to the 23 Buying Into Baltimore applicants, Baltimore City saw a total investment of $6,018,810 in home purchases. This $6 million investment was shared among 19 of Baltimore City’s unique neighborhoods, including Frankford, Remington, Milton-Montford, Greenspring, Belair-Edison, McElderry Park, Greenmount West, and more.
The Winter Trolley Tour is the first of three Trolley Tours scheduled for 2025, and these results give us hope for even more robust homebuying and investment in our city this year. If you’re ready to start, or finish, your homebuying journey, join us at our Spring 2025 Trolley Tour on Saturday, May 3rd. Whether you plan on buying a home now or not, Trolley Tour is an excellent opportunity to learn more about homebuying, explore Baltimore City, and possibly gain an additional $5,000 toward your home purchase. No matter where you are in your journey, we’ll meet you there and help you get to the finish line. We hope to see you at the next Trolley Tour!
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