Maryland Mortgage Program Smart Keys 4 Employees

At a Glance

Up to $1,000 down payment and closing cost assistance, 0% interest deferred loan

Who's Eligible?

Baltimore City homebuyers who meet income and other program requirements

To Get Started

Complete homeownership counseling and contact a Maryland Morgage Program-approved lender

Partner Match Programs offer additional down payment and/or closing cost assistance for qualified borrowers utilizing a Maryland Mortgage Program (MMP) loan. The Smart Keys 4 Employees program provides $1,000 in the form of a 0% deferred loan which is repayable when the home is sold or transferred, or when the first mortgage is paid off or refinanced. Smart Keys 4 Employees is only available as an add-on program for buyers using House Keys 4 Employees.


This program reduces the amount of money you’ll need up-front to buy your home.


  • Homebuyers who are using House Keys 4 Employees may also be eligible for Smart Keys 4 Employees if the property is located within Baltimore City.


MMP Program Fact Sheet


Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, Maryland Mortgage Program

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